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Nationwide A Florida entrepreneur has launched a new app that provides access to practical, credible, and trustworthy health information to help Blacks around the country who continue to face health disparities at an alarming rate, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Eric Chiyembekeza, founder of ourHealth Community, calls the app the only professional community geared towards increasing the visibility and accessibility of information pertaining to Black health. The ourHealth app is available in the Apple and Google app stores. Chiyembekeza points out that the data shows that Black people are dying from the coronavirus at a higher rate than whites. He adds that the Centers for Disease Control points out that 13.8 percent of blacks are in fair or poor health compared with 8.3 percent of whites and that the leading causes of death are heart disease and cancer.
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Checkout This Essential Quarantine Reading
Without Being An Athlete, Entertainer, or Drug Dealer
Black wealth is only 10% of white wealth now. Do you know Black wealth is projected to have a median income of zero by 2053?
How can we survive a global economic crisis driven by the Coronavirus with little wealth to fall back on? Get the scoop on how multi-millionaire Chuck Starks, who built one of the fastest growing US businesses, looks to show us how to survive economic downturns in his new book: "Get Rich While Black... Without Being An Athlete, Entertainer or Drug Dealer".
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USA streams 4,000+ live television channels such as BET, OWN, HGTV, CNN, ESPN, Pay Per View, Sports packages, African and Caribbean channels. The Black-owned streaming service is available globally with reseller opportunities available.
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Literature Scholar Khefa Nosakhere Weights In On Why We’re Dying From COVID-19 Due To Institutional Racism
Khefa Nosakhere has released his first non-fiction work entitled "Institutional Racism and the Search for African American Masculinity and Identity in Selected Works of Richard Wright." Why are Black people dying at such a disproportionate rate from the Corona virus? Generational poverty, poor access to good healthcare, and Institutional Racism. The book addresses how institutional racism and white male supremacy have intimately shaped the lives of:
Bigger Thomas (Native Son),
Richard Wright (Black Boy)
Fred Daniels (The Man Who Lived Underground). For More Info Click Here
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“I am intimately aware of the disconnect that exists between the people with the information and the people who need to hear it,” said Chiyembekeza, whose mother has Lupus and his sister died of breast cancer. “One of the biggest barriers is that the cultural differences are often not accounted for with the information that is disseminated.”
The app features valuable information about healthcare, mental health, nutrition, self-care, fitness, yoga, meditation and many other areas. Users can watch videos from Black health influencers and experts who provide timely information and answer questions. ourHealth allows users to invite others to join in their community, share their health journey via comments, pictures and videos. “My goal with ourHealth is to make it easier to find Black providers, Black health information, and make it easier for people to promote their products!” Chiyembekeza said.
Chiyembekeza plans to use the app to increase the accessibility to healthcare and mental health providers via Telehealth and create a Complete Care plan that would allow app users to use funds to purchase healthier foods, health supplements, subsidize gym memberships, and wearable devices to help track and report health outcomes to their PCPs. Chiyembekeza added, “This app is not only addressing the problems our community faces now—access to consistent, culturally appropriate health information—but will also address the growing disparities in social determinants of health!”
For more information or interviews, contact Neil Foote, Foote Communications,, 214-448-3765.
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Posted by community events coordinator, Nzinga Lonstein Austin, is a prolific blogger who writes on the entertainment industry and issues for people with developmental and physical challenges.
She is presently in high school looking to have a career in video, film, and media. You can see more of her entertainment writing on Lonstein Movies.
About the Black News Scoop - covers national and global news focused on reporting insightful, and empowering news for the international Black Community.
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