Nationwide The Los Angeles Black Business Expo is a preeminent networking and business event that broke ground years ago will go virtual not only for the LA area but for Black entrepreneurs and companies all over the world, building an unprecedent online Black business community.
“Success Post-COVID-19: Navigating Our New Next” is the theme for this year’s Los Angeles Black Business Expo. Hundreds of our community’s most influential business leaders will join the expo online from 9am to 5pm PST on Saturday, September 12, 2020. Admission is only $20.
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See How Black Households Are Saving Money By Streaming Their TV Channels With USAPrimeTV
Checkout This Essential Quarantine Reading
Checkout This Essential Quarantine Reading
Without Being An Athlete, Entertainer, or Drug Dealer
Black wealth is only 10% of white wealth now. Do you know Black wealth is projected to have a median income of zero by 2053?
How can we survive a global economic crisis driven by the Coronavirus with little wealth to fall back on? Get the scoop on how multi-millionaire Chuck Starks, who built one of the fastest growing US businesses, looks to show us how to survive economic downturns in his new book: "Get Rich While Black... Without Being An Athlete, Entertainer or Drug Dealer".
Checkout My Exclusive Interview with Author Chuck Starks Click Here
See How Black Households Are Saving Money By Streaming Their TV Channels With USAPrimeTV
USA streams 4,000+ live television channels such as BET, OWN, HGTV, CNN, ESPN, Pay Per View, Sports packages, African and Caribbean channels. The Black-owned streaming service is available globally with reseller opportunities available.
To subscribe to the service or learn more about USAstreamsTV, visit www.USAPrimeTV.com or call 888-258-8566.
Literature Scholar Khefa Nosakhere Weights In On Why We’re Dying From COVID-19 Due To Institutional Racism
Khefa Nosakhere has released his first non-fiction work entitled "Institutional Racism and the Search for African American Masculinity and Identity in Selected Works of Richard Wright." Why are Black people dying at such a disproportionate rate from the Corona virus? Generational poverty, poor access to good healthcare, and Institutional Racism. The book addresses how institutional racism and white male supremacy have intimately shaped the lives of:
Bigger Thomas (Native Son),
Richard Wright (Black Boy)
Fred Daniels (The Man Who Lived Underground). For More Info Click Here
Discover How This Little Known Company Helps Clients Generate Over $72 Million Dollars
See How Social Media And Black News Sites Can Profitably Promote Your Business Click Here
Discover How This Little Known Company Helps Clients Generate Over $72 Million Dollars
See How Social Media And Black News Sites Can Profitably Promote Your Business Click Here
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Founded in 1989 by event producer extraordinaire and thriving entrepreneur Barbara Lindsey, The Los Angeles Black Business Expo re-emerges as the Premier Event for Black Business Empowerment, Networking, and Job Opportunities. “In the face of COVID-19 and its devastating impact on communities of color, now more than ever, it is imperative to continue our mission of promoting and empowering Black-owned businesses in the Greater Los Angeles region and beyond,” Lindsey stated.
Her legacy continues with this bold effort to take the Black business community online. With the help of community stakeholders in the past such as the late Harold Hambrick (2014) and Dr. Clyde Oden, the vision basically remains the same today: Support Black-owned to fuel the Black economy, locally, regionally, and nationally.
According to Nielsen research, Black consumers speak directly to brands in unprecedented ways as they achieve headline-making results. Through social media, Black consumers have brokered a seat at the table and are demanding that brands and marketers speak to them in ways that resonate culturally and experimentally if these brands want their business. And with Black purchasing power being an astounding $1.4 trillion in 2019, it appears that Black Americans are a force to be reckoned with.
This event will feature 50 speakers 48 sessions and 50 businesses including Dr. George Fraser, founder of the largest African American networking conference for people of African-descent, The Power Networking Conference; Les Brown, internationally-renown motivational speaker and best-selling author; and more than 30 high-impact educational and informative workshops and seminars.
Register now online:
Vending opportunities are still available. For additional event information such as registration, please call Tracy Brown at (310) 346-9857 or email at mst212@yahoo.com.
For technical assistance or additional information, please call Ronald Miller at (909) 565-0224 or email at ronellmiller24@gmail.com.
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Posted by community events coordinator, Nzinga Lonstein Austin, is a prolific blogger who writes on the entertainment industry and issues for people with developmental and physical challenges.
She is presently in high school looking to have a career in video, film, and media. You can see more of her entertainment writing on Lonstein Movies.
About the Black News Scoop - covers national and global news focused on reporting insightful, and empowering news for the international Black Community.
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