Nationwide The Atlanta Black Theatre Festival (ABTF) presented a virtual theatre festival featuring “Four Days of Black Plays” on their newly launched YouTube Channel, Black Theatre TV. The planning of this marathon theatre event centered around the ability to deliver simulated live theatrical experiences into the homes of hundreds of viewers.
“First, we focused on the art. We thought this would be the biggest challenge.” exclaimed Toni Simmons Henson, Producing Director/Co-Founder. “Fortunately, we were so wrong. The submissions came pouring in and before we knew it, we had a world-class schedule that exceeded our expectations.”
After several failed tests with multiple platforms, the planning team decided on an integrated approach of live and taped real time streamed events. “The technology presented a challenge. As a live theatre producer, I’m obsessed with the audience experience and I couldn’t wrap my brain around how this could work digitally,” admitted Henson. “After weeks of research, we decided on a hybrid with entertaining hosts tapping into our instinctive ‘call and response’ methods of engagement online.”
Clarence C. Thomas, an enthusiastic patron responded, "Y'all kilt it. This virtual presentation is a case study in so many things: creativity, ingenuity, determination and the list goes on Bravo... just ...bravo!"