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Harold Phifer has announced the publication of his second book, a collection of autobiographical short stories exploring his sad and often appalling upbringing in Columbus, Mississippi. Kept secret for more than 50 years, Phifer’s childhood was largely forgotten until an explosion during a job in Afghanistan forced him to take some time off to recover in a paradise beach resort in Thailand.
While there, he met an unusual but compassionate stranger who pulled him into a long discussion about his experiences growing up. Hours later, Phifer finally found a measure of peace from the ghosts of his past and began planning out the stories that would later appear in Surviving Chaos. The book is available for purchase via Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Audible.
“How do you sum up your childhood in a few sentences? Childhood is such a rich and nuanced tapestry of people, places, events, and formative influences – all shaping you in ways that can take a lifetime to uncover,” said Phifer.
“And that’s probably true for everyone. But when you have a bad childhood? Well, you shove most of that way down deep for decades.
I have overcome many challenges and obstacles in my life, many of them entirely by myself. My hope is that my story may help someone smile when they are having a bad day, and remind young readers that no matter how bad and hopeless things may seem in the present, the power is within each of us to change our future.”