Friday, May 21, 2021
Riveting New Book By Lisa M. Sanchez "Looking For Love In A Garbage Can" Is Recently Featured On Fox Soul's The Book Of Sean
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Get The Scoop On My Exclusive Interview With Hip Hop Fitness And Fashion Pioneer Kyle Harvey
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Black Non-Profit Gives Grants to Kids
Megan Faux, The Teaching Goddess, Founder and Executive Director of The 25 Dream Campaign, a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation has launched a new initiative - monthly grants for kids. It's called The 25 Dreams Source of Light Grant, specifically for youth ages 6-18 in underserved communities. This monthly grant, in the amount of $100, rewards students for being a source of light in their family, community, or in the world. To donate to the grant fund or to apply for the grant please, visit
"We are living in such a dark world right now. I just wanted to do something that would reward the youth for being a source of light in their family, community, or in the world. A source of light is someone who brings goodness to the world. When you are a source of light, you are changing the world around you," said Megan. "My hope is that by rewarding our youth for good deeds early in life, they will see the value in goodness and continue shining throughout their lives and change the world for the better, thereby creating a world filled with more light than darkness."
Anthony Hamilton Interviews Black Business Owner About IG Success

Afro Unicorn is a brand that empowers Black women and young black girls to embrace who they are – unique, divine, and magical. Founder, April Showers’ social media growth hacking formula for her Afro Unicorn brand has propelled her business into what many believe to be an overnight success. In a recent interview with R&B singer Anthony Hamilton, she explains her ‘why’ behind Afro Unicorn.
“There are a lot of unicorns like me. There are women with multiple businesses and raising their kids so I started using the unicorn emoji a lot, but it bothered me because none of them looked like me,” Showers says. “I wanted to see how I could tie in women empowerment with the different shades of unicorns. I wanted to create something that says, you can. You can step out and not just be pigeonholed into one area.”
Through the Afro Unicorn brand, Showers encourages aspiring, new, and established black women entrepreneurs to be passionate, purposeful, and strategic within their journey of entrepreneurship. Furthermore, she shares her wealth of knowledge so they can also successfully generate multiple streams of income. Afro Unicorn has evolved from a brand to a movement because of its powerful messaging and a grassroots social media strategy that consists of socializing with followers, championing other businesses, and thanking customers.
Sunday, May 16, 2021
HBCU Alum Creates Health Products For Men Over 40
Nationwide Meet Jimmy White, a 60-year old fitness influencer who is the founder of Fit Over 40, a line of health supplements for men who are over the age of forty. A Howard University alum, Jimmy is also the co-founder of the popular Facebook fitness groups Fit Black Men Over Forty and Fit Black Women Over Forty, which have a combined following of more than 10K members. The pages offer helpful tips on healthier eating, cardio exercises that work, and feature many success stories of people well over 40-years old who are living healthier lifestyles.
As the United States continues to reopen after a full year of lockdowns and social distancing due to the pandemic, many African-American men over 40 seeking to maintain a fit lifestyle are turning to the health supplements produced by Fit Over 40. Their high-grade supplements are formulated with 100 percent pure and natural ingredients. For example, one popular product contains turmeric, which helps reduce discomfort, promotes digestive health, regulates metabolism, weight management, and memory function. The other products have similar high-quality ingredients as well.
Black Women Using Their Voice to Stimulate the Economy
Nationwide -- Quinn Conyers is releasing her second book Speak Black Woman: How Women in Business can Profit from Public Speaking to add to the economic advancement of Black women, the fastest group of growing entrepreneurs in the United States.
Despite the hustle, Black and other minority women are being shut out when it comes to access to venture capital. The book reveals alternative funding options for women at the upcoming Speak Black Woman Experience on May 22, 2021. Even more, the book is designed to show Black women who are stimulating the economy despite no access to capital how to leverage public speaking as a marketing strategy, lead generation, and revenue stream to expand their business, book, or brand.
Since 2007, the number of firms owned by African-American women has grown by 164%. “Your mouth should be your #1 marketing strategy in business,” says Quinn who firmly believes your voice is your secret weapon if you want to magnify your money-making potential as an entrepreneur. Many Black women are awesome at what they “DO” but have a tough time explaining it or worse have been conditioned to be silenced, muted, or muzzled which blocks their opportunity to earn ridiculous revenue as a business owner.