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91 Black Businesses Made $49 Million In Sales Mostly After The COVID-19 Crisis
Traffic Sales and Profit mastermind cohort proves that Black-owned businesses can thrive despite the COVID-19 crisis.
Nationwide -- Traffic Sales and Profit (TSP), a powerful network and Facebook group of almost 14,000 purpose-driven African American entrepreneurs, has announced that 91 of the Black business owners in their tribe have worked together to collectively generate $49 million in sales within just one year (from July 2019 to July 2020). Led by its founder, Lamar Tyler, the members of TSP are owners of everything from brick-and-mortar stores to e-commerce brands to service and product-based businesses.
What's even more interesting is that this group of Black-owned businesses, called the TSP Mastermind, was able to generate most of that revenue AFTER the COVID-19 pandemic began. This proves that there is another side to the story reported by CBS News and other news outlets that 41% of Black-owned businesses have closed for good due to COVID-19.
How are they doing this?
Via his Facebook group, events, and courses, Tyler has been extremely instrumental in providing surefire systems and strategies that help small businesses and entrepreneurs grow, scale, and generate profits with ease.
"Black businesses are growing even in the midst of crisis," he says. "Especially, those that are positioned to leverage digital marketing and sales strategies."
He adds, "Black businesses need a safe space where they can lean in for support around the three keys to growth that we've discovered over the years. They are mindset, strategy, and execution. Without all three, it's impossible to grow and reach your goals."
Tyler's keys to success are proven through the startling accomplishments of his 12-month mentorship program designed to elevate businesses to their next level of success. His tribe's top-performing businesses include:
- CurlMix
- Izzy and Liv
- Freres Branchiaux
- Confidence By Gabby Goodwin
- CurlKit
- Urban Intellectuals
- Naturalicious
- Bamblu
- the Nikki Klugh Design Group...
...and many others.