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Black History Month Special
City State University's Alumni, Faculty, and Associates, First-Ballot
Inductees, The Family Journal, USA & Overseas Sarah McLean Literary Hall
of Fame 2022, Viking Pride!
Coates, '88, Photographer, Photography by Madison and Photographic Services,
Professional Photographers of America; Photographers: Elizabeth City State
University, “Viking Pride,” Since 1891
By HBCU ECSU Author, Dr. Charles L. Singleton
Louise Singleton McLean (1937-2021), “Red Road,” Summerville, South Carolina,
Communications Editor, Historian & Archivist of The Family Journal, USA
& Overseas: Respectfully, Sarah McLean will forever be remembered for her
historical newsletters, family reunions, obituary collection, and literary
archive, since the 1950s. Sarah is a 1950s graduate of Alston High School
(AHS), Summerville, South Carolina.
family archives: records (1815, 1834, 1850) and historical files of letters,
obituaries and photographs have helped the editors and writers of the Family
Journal, USA & Overseas to publish some amazing stories in Black News Scoop
Global News. Most recently, millions of readers have read “Checkout The Family Journal's USA &
Overseas Fishermen’s Hall of Fame 2nd Round of 2021 Inductees,” Sunday, January
9, 2022, “Simple Solutions Save Lives, Law Enforcement And Policing The USA,”
Saturday, April 24, 2021, “Clement Addison Singleton, Inspiration, Sign Me Up
For The COVID-19 Vaccination Jubilee,” Thursday, August 26, 2021, and “Discover The Amazing US Family That
Produced 11 Members With Doctorate Degrees And Also Outstanding Legendary
Citizens," Saturday, February 29, 2020.
always, Executive Editor Karen Merrilles, ’92, HBCU Johnson C. Smith University
(JCSU) graduate and U.S.A. Army Gulf War veteran (1990-1991), is thankful for
continued literary support (publishers, correspondents, readers and contributors).
Karen is the daughter of Sarah McLean and James Edward “Jim, Breeze” McLean (1937-2000),
Lakeview, South Carolina, USA Air Force Fishing Legend.
“Red Road Man,” Editor-in-Review, Isreal T. Singleton, ’72, Claflin University (CU), thanks you as well
for sharing our articles throughout various social media sites: Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and in Emails.
And now, read about the Sarah McLean, Literary Hall of Fame, The Family
Journal, USA & Overseas Acclamation of Inductees 2022. Congratulations Elizabeth
City State University Vikings and Alston High School Tigers.
Article On The First-Ballot Of The Sarah McLean Literary Hall of Fame 2022 Continues After Sponsor's Messages Below...
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Medical Practice Problem Solvers: "Experience, Hands-on Practice Management Consultants." Call (404) 788-9736 Today for a Consultation.
Practice Solutions 360, Tara Singleton, Chief Operations Officer, C. Lynn Harris, Chief Financial Officer, Tamiko Washington, Vice-President, Estar Acosta, President
"Practice Solutions 360 provides full service medical and healthcare consulting in the Atlanta Metro Area. Our difference is hands-on service delivered by highly experienced consultants.
Our company believes in areas of expertise, and so we use a team approach to analyze and rebuild areas of medical practices to maximize profit and productivity.
We imagine medical practices run with excellence and precision, supported by well-trained and engaged staff who allow medical staff and doctors to be focused on high quality healthcare."
Practice Solutions 360 Management Team, Read More at. https://www. Serving The Medical Profession and 6 Million Potential Patients (2021), Atlanta, Georgia.
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Sponsor's Message
Eliminate Senseless Rage by Reducing Violent Behaviors, Making Better Decisions, Living Longer and Willfully Improving Our Mental Health: Individual and Group Counseling Can Help. Please contact Felicia Brown at Leap For Joy Counseling.
And, in Florida, Felicia writes, “For my full-time employment, presently, I am a Senior Program Manager with Orange County Government Youth and Family Services. As a business owner, I am the CEO of Leap For Joy Counseling, LLC., a Professional Faith-Based Counseling Private Practice, where we are Counseling and Coaching Youth and Families to be Healed Healthy and Wholly! Learn More at. or visit:
I'm a Licensed Mental Health Counselor with the State of Florida.” Congratulations Evans and Bells Families, Locally, Nationwide, and Abroad! Absolutely, Our Family, Our Heritage, Our Story! ---The Family Journal, USA & Overseas, Volume 3, Issue 18, Publication Journal and Tree, July 2021
I'm a Licensed Mental Health Counselor with the State of Florida.” Congratulations Evans and Bells Families, Locally, Nationwide, and Abroad! Absolutely, Our Family, Our Heritage, Our Story! ---The Family Journal, USA & Overseas, Volume 3, Issue 18, Publication Journal and Tree, July 2021
Highly Regarded HBCU Scholar and Purple Heart Awardee Dr. Charles L. Singleton Weighs In On Using Our Brains To Stop Gun Violence Now! Click here
T. Singleton, AHS, ’67, and his neighbor, AHS, ’64, Eugenia Williams (1946-2021),
The Family Journal, USA & Overseas Sarah McLean Literary Hall of Fame 2022
First- Ballot Inductees: Eugenia, a very successful
Alston High School 1964 graduate, was a ‘quiet- scholarly-student’ and Red Road,
Summerville, South Carolina’s 1964 Neighborhood Marble’s Champion. Her much
beloved and admired parents were Mr. Ernest and Mrs. Matilda Williams. In
this article, the AHS McLean 155-plus literary inductees are listed in the attached.
Atlanta Metro Alumni Journal, Volume 1, Issue 10, Special USA and Global,
Historical Edition, February 2022. To read and download click here
ECSU’s honorees are introduced at this time.
Alex Haley: Photo Credit I Microsoft Bing
HBCU ECSU Authors, Historians, Journalists, Photographers, Artists and Correspondents: Johnnie Walton, '69, The Autobiography of Johnnie Walton: Underated Eaglegend, Alex Haley, '37, (1921-1992), Roots, The Saga of an American Family in 1976; Robert L. “Bobby” Vaughan (1928 -2021), ECSU Sports Legacy with Coach “Bobby” Vaughan:1949 -1986, They Called Me “Little Coach.” And, Dr. Glen Bowman wrote in 2015, a Commemorative Book called Elizabeth City State University 1891-2016; Napoleon Byrd, ’52 (1930-2021), Hidden Strands: 1997-2005; Argle B. Whitfield, '65,Trey Whitfield Foundation, and author of the first 500-page book ever – A Pictorial History of CIAA Professionals from 1950-1984; Javon Brothers, ’70, A Deadly Night in the Harbor of Hospitality: 2011, and Elaine Campbell, ’76, Beatrice's White Horse, “An Extraordinary Supernatural Powers,” Destiny Will Open A Window: 2019; Mildred E. Hopkins, ’68, Run And Catch Your Dream: Character Education Book; Geraldine Vaughan Tyrance,’67, Faces in Music, LLC, No More Mnemonics! Teacher's Manual 1A: 2021.
Dr. Charles L. Singleton, ’68, Read Between the Lines, Windows of Recourse, Provocative Essays for Saving Our Children and Their Precious Lives: 1997, 2019. Singleton also co-authored 2 books, I'm Ready to Talk, Book One: 2019; I'm Ready to Talk, Book Two: 2022, Atlanta Vietnam Veterans Business Association (AVVBA), 160+ Vietnam Vets Preserve and Share Their Personal Stories by Robert O. “Bob” Babcock.
Deborah Carr Harris, '88, Dilemma: What Would You Do? ... 2012, Francene Perry-Brown, '68: Christian Crooks, 2007, 2011, Lysteryne Pastor ... 2010, and Dr. Leonard Slade, Jr.,'63, has accomplished 50 years of writing and speaking about poetry; Benny O’Donald Hodges,'67 (1942-2010), creative sportswriter; VSU Eugene Thompson, ’66 ECSC Viking, a prolific writer and legendary Interscholastic sports icon; winning coach: basketball, track and field, tennis, and Sports Hall of Famer. Dr. Herman Glenn Cooke (1918-1997), discoverer of an unknown species of Chironomid (Midges: small flies), 1962. Dr. William E. Anderson (1897-1967), Dean of ECSC (1963-1967), Memorandums: Letters, Greetings and Felicitations.
Charlotte A. Riddick Parker Editor-in-Chief and Douglas “Caveman” Connell Almond Photos Below...
"The Compass Newspaper" 1960s: Jethro C. Williams, '67 (1940-2018),
Butler L. Sharpe, III, '68, Charlotte A. Riddick Parker, '69,
Editor-in-Chief, Lawrence E. Sugg (1949 -2014), Chairman, Leonard R.
Ballou, Adviser: archivist-historian. ECSC's 1960s photographer, Archbishop James
Salisbury, Jr. OSB. Edward Joyner,’70
and Dwight Johnson (1968), Compass Photography Staff (After Dr. M. L. King, Jr.
Assassination), ECSC Student Council President Charles L. Singleton's speech,
letter, and photograph: Dr. Glen Bowman's Historical Review, ‘From
Confrontation: Student Activism at Elizabeth City State Teachers/State College,
1948-1968,’ The North Carolina Historical Review, Volume XCVIII (98), Number 2,
P. 216 April 2021.
Coates, '88 photographer, Photography by Madison and Photographic services,
Professional Photographers of America; Photographers, Sally Jacobs Harmon, '73
and Edward “ED” Franklin Nowell, ’76 (1954-2021), Dr. Juanita Spence, Director
of Library Services, ECSU's G.R. Little Library, Robert Kelly-Goss, Author and
Award-Winning Journalist; Douglas “Caveman” Connell Almond, '79,
'78, (1955-2020), an outstanding football player, and extraordinarily
talented artist: Artwork By Douglas Almond Donated To ECSU, October 2004.
Dr. Jeannette H. Evans,’63, Nathaniel Grant Jr., '68, Thomas Evans Jr., '68
(1947-2021), Tyrone Hopkins, '68, Raymond Davis, '68, Dr. Phyllise J. Wilkins
Church, '68, Natalie L. Weeks, '90, Ziner Johnson Alexander, '66, Barbara B.
Sutton, '74, John W. Robinson, '66, Comic Relief. William Spencer Bryant III,
'68, '67, Tyron Wallace "Taz" Eason, Sr, '86, Johnyelle Lee, Senior
Director of Advancement Services, Capt. Anthony Swain, '82, and Vernon
ECSU Atlanta Metro Alumni Chapter
Overton, ’99, Internet Journalist, GA
R. Strong, III, ‘76, “Mr. Strong Talk,” Correspondent, GA
White Strong, '78, Correspondent, GA
Saundra "Sandy" Purkett, '70,
Literary Contributor & Correspondent, GA
Weaver, ‘71, Historian, Literary Contributor & Correspondent, GA
F. Davis, '2001, Southern University, Legal Literary Adviser, TX
Supporters, Publishers, Journalists and Literary Voices
and Rita Hagerty, 1972, Graphic Engraving, GA
Hagerty, Graphic Engraving, GA: Alan Hagerty, Graphic Engraving, GA
Dr. Chi-Kao Wang Photo Below Val Wang Photo Below
Kamau Austin Photo Below Nzinga Austin Photo Below
Photo Javon Brothers Photo Javon Brothers' Book
ECSC. ECSU Author, Javon Brothers, ’70, was
one of the leaders of the nonviolent response on campus to the Orangeburg
Massacre of 1968. --- Student Activism (1948-1968), Dr. Glen
Bowman, The North Carolina Historical Review, April 2021, Page 213
Lee, Dante Lee International I Diversity City Media, San Ysidro, CA
Ponder Staff Writer and Journalist, The Daily Advance, NC
Richards, Allenco Publishing Inc. Atlanta, GA: Carter G. Woodson, Black History Month, USA 1926
Amanda Gorman Photo Below
Amanda Gorman, Poet, U.S. A. Photo Credit I Microsoft Bi ng
Amanda Gorman, a phenomenal 22-year-old became the youngest literary
poet to read at a presidential inauguration, as recorded and televised, on a
sad day in America, January 6, 2021 (Various Media Sources).
HBCU ECSU Author, Dr. Charles L. Singleton, “Sad
Day in America, January 6, 2021, We the People of the United States: An Assault
on Our Democracy.” Read more at: https://www.blacknewsscoop. com/2021/01/sad-day-in- america-january-6-2021.html
ECSU Thomas Evans, ’68, 501(c)(3) tax deductible donation may
be directed to support the general scholarship fund at Elizabeth City State
University for the Thomas Evans, Jr. Student Athlete Leadership Academy
Endowment, on behalf of the ECSC. ECSU 1968 Senior Class Fundraising Campaign
Lifetime Fund Drive. Please make checks payable to ECSU Foundation, Inc. A financial gift may be mailed with a memo indicating
that this gift is in memory of Thomas Evans to the ECSU Foundation, P.O. Box
1467, Elizabeth City, NC 27906, or make a gift online. Click Here & Give
More at:
Those of you, who are willing and able, can
make a GoFundMe Non 501(c) (3) financial contribution to support the continuance
of The Family Journal, USA & Overseas publications, special-recognition-monetary
awards, and Halls of Fame. Continue your reading of Dr. Singleton’s informative
publications by clicking here. nwcvj-geechee-gumee-hbcu-ecsu- 1891-writer
*Research Credits: Google Grammarian (GG), Microsoft Bing, Olan
Mills: Eugenia Williams Family’s Intellectual Properties, SC, Wikipedia, YouTube,
Scoop Publications, and The Family Journal, USA & Overseas Literary
*Sarah McLean Literary Editor, Publishers, Archivists, and Search Engine Researchers (Hall of Famers 2022) Congratulations.
Read More. ECSU Atlanta Metro Alumni Journal, Volume 1, Issue 10, Special USA and Global, Historical Edition, February 2022.pdf Click Here
Be Touched And Inspired: You Blessed Me Still," Williams Brothers, Gospel Legends, Smithdale, Mississippi
Copyright © 2005 -2022 The Family Journal, USA &
Overseas, Sarah McLean, Karen Merrilles & Charles L. Singleton| All Rights
Reserved. Mr. Isreal T. Singleton, Editor-in- Review.
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Sponsor's Message
Purple Heart Awardee, HBCU Consultant, And Author Dr. Charles L. Singleton Is Ready To Talk About The Vietnam War
HBCU ECSU Dr. Charles L. Singleton, Author, Read Between the Lines, Provocative Essays for Saving Our Children, Atlanta Vietnam Veterans Business Association, AVVBA Co-author, I 'm Ready To Talk, Books One and Two, 2019 - 2021 - 2022
Order His Latest Work On the Experiences Of Brave Vietnam Soldiers Click Book Cover Below...
"Almost 3, 500,000 American men and women served in Southeast Asia between 1964 and 1975. The Department of Defense concluded that between 2,709,918 to 3,173,845 GI's served in-country and in-waters of Vietnam.
As of this date The American War Library estimates that approximately 610,000 Americans who served on land in Vietnam or in the air over Vietnam between 1954 and 1975 are alive today. And approximately 164,000 Americans who served at sea in Vietnam waters are alive today. Each of them has a story to tell and each story is unique." Department of Defense: The American War Library and The Atlanta History Center.
Dr. Charles L. Singleton is one of the 610, 000 Vietnam War Veterans living today.
Dr. Charles L. Singleton Bio And Highly Regarded Literary Works...
Sergeant Charles L. Singleton, U. S. Army, Fort Benning, Georgia, 1970, South Vietnam, Co-author of His Third Bestselling Book, I'm Ready To Talk Two, 2021-2022.
Dr. Charles L. Singleton, Award Winning Clinical and Educational Research Consultant 3 Books: Read Between The Lines and Vietnam Vets Preserve Their Stories, 2019-2022
Sergeant Charles L. Singleton, U. S. Army, Fort Benning, GA, 1970, South Vietnam, Co-author of His Third Bestselling Book, I'm Ready To Talk Two, 2021-2022, is Coming Soon. "Over 140 stories from 70+ Vietnam veterans." You May Preorder the Book at: Deeds Publishing I'm Ready To Talk, Book 1: Deeds Publishing: Order Your Copy
Read Between The Lines, Provocative Essays for Saving Our Children And Their Precious Lives. "How TODAY'S SOCIETY affects the education of America's young people will determine the course of human history for generations to come." Order at: Read Between The Lines a book by Charles Singleton (
Also Checkout The Spotlight on Local Vietnam Veterans Author at: Spotlight on Local Authors #2: Dr. Charles Singleton - video below...
Sponsor's Message
Purple Heart Awardee, HBCU Consultant, And Author Dr. Charles L. Singleton Is Ready To Talk About The Vietnam War
HBCU ECSU Dr. Charles L. Singleton, Author, Read Between the Lines, Provocative Essays for Saving Our Children, Atlanta Vietnam Veterans Business Association, AVVBA Co-author, I 'm Ready To Talk, Books One and Two, 2019 - 2021 - 2022
Order His Latest Work On the Experiences Of Brave Vietnam Soldiers Click Book Cover Below...
"Almost 3, 500,000 American men and women served in Southeast Asia between 1964 and 1975. The Department of Defense concluded that between 2,709,918 to 3,173,845 GI's served in-country and in-waters of Vietnam.
As of this date The American War Library estimates that approximately 610,000 Americans who served on land in Vietnam or in the air over Vietnam between 1954 and 1975 are alive today. And approximately 164,000 Americans who served at sea in Vietnam waters are alive today. Each of them has a story to tell and each story is unique." Department of Defense: The American War Library and The Atlanta History Center.
Dr. Charles L. Singleton is one of the 610, 000 Vietnam War Veterans living today.
Dr. Charles L. Singleton Bio And Highly Regarded Literary Works...
Sergeant Charles L. Singleton, U. S. Army, Fort Benning, Georgia, 1970, South Vietnam, Co-author of His Third Bestselling Book, I'm Ready To Talk Two, 2021-2022.
Dr. Charles L. Singleton, Award Winning Clinical and Educational Research Consultant 3 Books: Read Between The Lines and Vietnam Vets Preserve Their Stories, 2019-2022
Sergeant Charles L. Singleton, U. S. Army, Fort Benning, GA, 1970, South Vietnam, Co-author of His Third Bestselling Book, I'm Ready To Talk Two, 2021-2022, is Coming Soon. "Over 140 stories from 70+ Vietnam veterans." You May Preorder the Book at: Deeds Publishing
I'm Ready To Talk, Book 1: Deeds Publishing: Order Your Copy
Read Between The Lines, Provocative Essays for Saving Our Children And Their Precious Lives. "How TODAY'S SOCIETY affects the education of America's young people will determine the course of human history for generations to come." Order at: Read Between The Lines a book by Charles Singleton (
Also Checkout The Spotlight on Local Vietnam Veterans Author at: Spotlight on Local Authors #2: Dr. Charles Singleton - video below...

Posted by community events coordinator, Nzinga Lonstein Austin, is a prolific blogger who writes on the entertainment industry and issues for people with developmental and physical challenges.
She is presently in high school looking to have a career in video, film, and media. You can see more of her entertainment writing on Lonstein Movies.
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