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Seemingly, several hours a day in America, a person is critically wounded because of gun shots by human beings. Sadly, when a person dies because of emotional provocations, irrational thoughts and senseless behaviors, humanity suffers, and generational life stops.
America Stop The Gun Violence Now! Emotional Intelligence, Our Brains Please Help! By Dr. Charles L. Singleton

Singleton Writes On Human Emotional Intelligence. Brain Pixel Images included in this informative Article.
“America Stop The Violence Now! Emotional Intelligence, Our Brains Please Help!” By HBCU ECSU Wellness Writer Dr. Charles L. Singleton, A Must Read. “More than 141 people were shot in our hometowns of Oakland, Chicago, and New York City over the July 4th weekend.” Eddie Bocanegra, Erica Ford and Mike McBride, Time Magazine 2021.
“It's not only the high-profile mass shootings that we must work to prevent, but also the daily death-by guns that claims more than 30,000 lives every year.” Prevention Institute 2021
So far statistically speaking, America’s gun violence deaths are rapidly increasing in 2021. “The non profit Gun Violence Archive, which tracks gun incident trends, states that there were 23,000 reported gun violence deaths and 19,000-gun injuries during the first six months of this year, along with more than 300 mass shootings.” CJ Werleman, Byline Times, July 9, 2021
Article By Dr. Charles L. Singleton On Using Our Brains To Stop Gun Violence Now! Continues After Sponsor's Messages Below...
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Pic Photo Image Credit And Us: Michael Fleshman iStock By Getty Images, “We Could Be Next, Oh, No!”
Wait a minute: no more children’s births, birthdays, special graduations; family reunions, and human beings? Therefore, in this article, I will outline a plan for improving emotional intelligence and human survival on this earth. First, the human brain and how it works: Our amazing brain, about 2 percent of the human body, is responsible for all body functions. ---

Brain 101 | National Geographic, Aug 24, 2017: See and Learn below...
Yes, studying and learning from the previous National Geographic video could one day save your life, or prevent you from using a weapon that could kill someone instantly. Thus, you are having to spend the rest of your earthly life imprisoned without hope for the future.
Just imagine, a dungeon-like existence behind prison bars; being locked up and nowhere to go! Yes, wait a minute and think about it.
Step 1: Understanding The Emotional Brain
Readers and lovers of life, please take a moment to watch the emotional human brain video by Sentis Brain Animation Series. See Below...
Step 2: "Fight-or-Flight," An Alarm Reaction, You Decide
The fight-or-flight response described by American physiologist Walter Bradford Cannon of the 1920s is an inborn tendency of human survival: the instinctive ability to stay alive for another moment or day. Cannon concluded that the natural interaction of body chemistry within the human body helps us to survive when confronted with life-threatening situations.
Just Think before you decide to use a weapon. Instead, you walk away from death-threatening circumstances. Note: Stress Response, the fight-flight-or-freeze response, or acute stress response today, is the first stage of Hans Selye's general adaptation syndrome.
In other words, when you are angry, blood rushes to your mouth, hands, and feet; making it easy to say something that you will regret or hurt someone. Absolutely, in your mind just Think Twice; count to 10 and 100 or walk away.
This hyperarousal human response is also described by author and science journalist, Daniel Goleman, in his 1995 book Emotional Intelligence. Goleman writes, “By teaching people to tune in to their emotions with intelligence and to expand their circles of caring, we can transform organizations from the inside out and make a positive difference in our world.”
Walter Bradford Cannon’s Book, The Wisdom of the Body (1932), is a must read for everyone in 2021.
Step 3: Remember, from birth, you have the innate or natural ability to control your emotions; especially anger.
Step 4: “There Is Nothing New Under The Sun” - Ecclesiastes 1:4-11
Recently, according to a local South Carolina retired United Methodist Church pastor, “Ever since the beginning of time and throughout the millenniums, the world in which we live, human behavior is simply repeated over and over; ‘there is nothing new under the sun.’ Really, the only thing that has changed is the inventions of more deadly weapons; with our tongues (verbal weapons of mass destruction), and the thoughtless words we say being the deadliest.” --- Reverend Nathaniel A. 'Drip' Evans, Jr.
Step 5: Therefore remember, "If this is to be then it is up to me!" --- Public Domain
Indeed, it is certainly without doubt, the intellectual human mind (organ) also has the primal frontal cortex (modern brain) and basal ganglia (reptilian brain), which helps us to control innate behavioral patterns of impulsivity: instinctiveness, involuntary movements, and survival.
Examples: a reptilian response includes behavioral characteristics of snakes, lizards, and crocodiles’ behaviors: cold-blooded attacks and violence with no apologies. A better primal thought would be not to act like a carnivorous crocodile by savagely attacking and recklessly shooting another person, or intentionally killing someone because you have the right to carry a gun (Second Amendment of the United States Constitution).
Victimology true story: avoid becoming a perpetrator of a horrific crime or victim of gun violence by doing three survival habits starting with YOU, THE PLACE AND TIME. Improve your emotional intelligence; change the place or setting, use time wisely and be mindful of the company you keep (family members, loved ones, friends and associates, included).
Quite possibly, if an individual is absent from a particular place or time, he or she will certainly not become a perpetrator (shooter) or victim of gun violence. Remember, "Man's inhumanity to man" is often driven by behavioral actions, personal activities, and different problems in our daily lives. --- Robert Burns poem, Man was made to mourn: A Dirge in 1784. Hello everyone, life is precious, please be careful!
Bookshop: Read Between The Lines By Dr. Charles L. Singleton visit here for more info.
Dr. Charles L. Singleton, Editor and Publisher, The Family Journal, USA and Overseas, is a Vietnam Era Veteran (1969-1971) and Purple Heart Awardee.
Currently, Dr. Singleton is a clinical and wellness consultant at the Atlanta VA Center for Visual and Neurocognitive Rehabilitation (CVNR). In addition, Singleton serves as one of the advisors on the CVNR Community Advisory Panel (CAP). This advisory group works in collaboration with the Community Outreach and Engagement Core (COEC), Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. This prolific author was the Atlanta VA Health Care System (VAHCS) Research Volunteer of The Year Award Recipient for 2019-2020.
Family Journal Readers and Supporters Thank You. To Read More Click Here
Intellectual Properties: (110) Journals and (75) Nationally and Locally Published Articles, 100 Plus Legacies in Memoriam Tributes, ©GoFundMe (105) Plus Supporters, and 30 © YouTube Produced Celebration of Life Gospel Songs.
Copyright © 2005 -2021 The Family Journal, USA & Overseas, Sarah McLean, Karen Merrilles & Charles L. Singleton| All Rights Reserved.
The Family Journal, USA & Overseas
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Brothas who is most concerned about us looking our best?
Black Women - that's who! Doubt me?
Checkout How The Owners At Dion Michaels Created A Rich Line of Mens Skin Care Products
Simone Randle and Tammie Sykes, the founders of Dion Michaels, have made history as the first women of color to launch a simple results-driven skincare line that is exclusively for men. Dion Michaels is a convenient subscription-based skincare line that provides men with two simple products, a grooming cream, and a skin balm.
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Posted by community events coordinator, Nzinga Lonstein Austin, is a prolific blogger who writes on the entertainment industry and issues for people with developmental and physical challenges.
She is presently in high school looking to have a career in video, film, and media. You can see more of her entertainment writing on Lonstein Movies.
About the Black News Scoop - covers national and global news focused on reporting positive, insightful, and empowering news for the international Black Community.
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