Oakland, CA -- Licensed realtor and young adult mentor Shaquanna Wilson has released a new book titled From Debt to Deeds Planner, which offers readers a cost-effective, easy-to-follow tool for creating a budget, fixing credit, and understanding the process of purchasing and paying off a home.
The book also reveals surprising racial disparities among racial groups in the US, with Black people seeing the lowest rate of homeownership since 1968. One of the primary reasons Black people are denied mortgages, Wilson says, is because of poor credit or lack of income. She says this also stems from a lack of education in Black communities.
Despite the challenges Black people still face in securing mortgage loans and investing in property, Wilson says there is a clear path ahead for those who are ready to read her message and hear her story.
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While many people are focused on the next president in the hopes their favored candidate will improve the economic outcome of Black people, Wilson believes people should instead start focusing on changing their own outcome right now. Real estate has provided Wilson with amazing opportunities for herself and her family, and she remains passionate about educating others who share her sense of responsibility for the future of their communities. She holds free classes for young adults on wealth building several times a year.
To learn more about From Debt to Deeds Planner and Wilson’s experience and expertise in real estate, visit her website at RealEstateVisionista.com or follow her on Instagram @RealEstateVisionista.
About the AuthorShaquanna Wilson is an Augusta, Georgia-based licensed realtor and young adult mentor focused on empowering the next generation to improve their communities through education and entrepreneurship. Through her workshops on goal-setting strategies, Wilson has touched hundreds of young lives. She is the founder and former chapter president of the first Black Real Estate Association in Augusta, a subsidiary of (NAREB) National Association of Real Estate Brokers. She holds two college degrees but believes the most valuable and hard-learned lessons come from the streets and relationships.
For press inquiries, contact 706-619-1336 or shaquannam@gmail.com
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