Truth or Consequence…
Op-Ed By JV Howard
Here we are steadfast ensconced in a web of pandemic spinnerets, social unrest, economic paralysis, political malfeasance, and a media frenzy trying to report the truth. But fake news, fact checking summaries, and life and death consequences make the truth sacramental.
Truth defined is a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like. Consequence is defined an act or instance of following something as an effect, result, or outcome.
The term ‘truth’ is used throughout our lives like those who testify in court are asked to swear they will tell “the truth and nothing but the whole truth”, or hear grandma utter” ain’t that the truth”; in the movie a few good men you can here “You can’t handle the truth” - which is most appropriate during this cycle of uncertainty. Here’s why;
You can choose your action but you can’t choose the consequence of those actions. You can choose to be an alcoholic but you can’t choose cirrhosis of the liver. You can choose to deny climate change but you can’t choose the tsunami that has marked your location.
It is an “incontrovertible truth” that there are myriad variables external to our control, for example mother natures rant, DNA mutations, father times vigilance, and worldly disease. And we except these truth without fanfare, panoply, and second guessing but these truth, like much before us, underscore consequences that fortify, buttress, and entrench the legitimacy of truth in principle. Another example, climate change - mother natures rant - is profoundly consequential when its impact is more and more devastating ; tsunami, heatwave, massive tornadoes, ice melts, habitat extinction, floods, etc are all consequences- due to man’s neglect, disdain, and planetary indifference.
Op-ED On Truth Or Consequences By JV Howard Continues After Sponsor's Messages Below...
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OP-Ed On Truth Or Consequences By JV Howard Continues Below...
Did President Trump And His Health Staff Spin The Truth With Devastating Consequences? Pic Courtesy The White House |
However, a consequence is the truth i.e. COVID-19 when we know it’s out there but claim to be oblivious to its advancement. Throughout history every 100 years or so an epidemic or pandemic is likely to occur. It’s within the natural order of things, the fly in the soup, the flaw in the design, and we accept that it will happen but in many instances it’s the consequence that qualifies the truth especially when it involves life and death. The fall out from COVID-19 is unprecedented as a consequence but not as a truth. Why?
We can’t handle the truth. The consequences of untold and unnecessary death, fear, mutations, and hopelessness is a defining moment in the choices man has made and continues to make. A “naked truth” for sure. But keep in mind it’s not just a lie that produces ominous consequences.
Murphy’s Law states that if something can go wrong it will. In truth you can have a resident of the white house but it does not mean he/she will be presidential as a consequence….”ain’t that the truth.” This is when a consequence is the truth because we had no way of knowing if the president elect would be a president to regret. No we Know!!
Truth and consequence have their grey areas. Some things are true because they are unquestionable facts with evidentiary support and some things are true because our culture likes to read between the lines and examine the small print involving the vicissitudes of life. We all know every person who has had to put his left hand on the Bible and raised his right hand to swear to tell the truth - didn’t. Moreover, we also know, despite grandma’s assertion, folklore or not, the devil does not beat his wife when there is a rainbow...come on grandma.
History is suppose to represent facts, accounts, and occurrences of yesterday but it is not always what it is supposed to be because, inherently, there is a backstory that divulge, possibly, more evidence supporting the real truth. Clearly, even the proverbial truth should be taken with a grain of salt. To take with a grain of salt is an idiom that means to view something with skepticism or not to interpret something literally.
There are some truth worth its salt as experts are often wrong and that technology can actually produce bad results i.e facial recognition - that force us to measure the validity of what’s an indisputable fact or not. What's not indisputable and quite telling is the question when is truth and consequence rendered irrelevant or better said doesn’t matter? When an apology - which is grossly over used, is offered as appeasement. It’s gotten difficult to determine a real apology from a fake one....again “ain’t that the truth.”
Photo Courtesy Of Fibonacci Blue |
What is a fact is how social media and the Internet have had an inflammatory effect on not just what we take to be true but how truths proliferate. Just Google it or check Wikipedia as if each posses a formula of truth built into it - they don’t but we trust them nonetheless. These information sources and streams are addictive. The Internet in particularly because of its reach and because of the algorithmic way it promotes what’s popular rather than what’s true. It creates a culture of untruth as a consequence. Which of why Facebook and others have to walk back the integrity of their headlines while Fox News walk toward you with a Trojan horse filled with misguided premises. A smart consequence with a targeted design - a bewildered citizenry.
By way of consequence consider how the district attorney impact - wretchedly - Black Lives Matter; who determine who goes to trial, the district or state attorney; who organize plea bargaining, the district attorney; who fail to indict officers in cases similar to Breonna Taylor, the District attorney. No telling the “true “ impact of a district attorney of color. When you don’t vote you are not eligible to serve on a jury pool or a grand jury of your peers to advocate for those who happens to look like you. There is more at stake than voting for a president every four yrs. The current resident of the White House has appointed 198 judges for lifetime position; 2 Supreme Court, 50 appellate court appointees, and the rest having a very common theme - none are black; none. These judges are unlikely to give people of color the benefit of the doubt even when the law itself is doubtful. No wonder the oath of office ends with So Help me God!
As God is my witness and we were to testify in the exact same court we have to “swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth”. Yet, as a supposed consequence the truth is suppose to set you free - supposedly. Let me know if you find the truth here. Bottom line these judges are generally persona non grata given their systemic inclinations.
The end result it seems is a world of truth and falsehood all circulating, undifferentiated, and occurring in plain site leaving the individual to determine when truth is the consequence and when a consequences is the truth. If the map says turn left but the boots on ground says turn right which is the truth and which is the consequence? You decide.
We are lost somewhere out there between truth and consequences... the best way to find your True North is to make sure your boots are on the ground shaping your reality. The onus is on You to determine the efficacy of legitimacy. It’s best to leave the consequences to those who choose to follow the map.
If you believe the truth is out there somewhere then take as a caveat man is in danger of becoming a giant in information and a pygmy in wisdom ( truth). As he concentrates on assimilating facts he runs the risk of neglecting matters of facts.
Sojourner Truth reminds us during her earnest effort to approve the livelihood of African-Americans that truth matters….and consequences too!!
The article ideas expressed are those of freelance commentator JV Howard and may not be totally reflective of Scoop publications. You can reach JV Howard at: jvguru@outlook.com
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Posted by community events coordinator, Nzinga Lonstein Austin, is a prolific blogger who writes on the entertainment industry and issues for people with developmental and physical challenges.
She is presently in high school looking to have a career in video, film, and media. You can see more of her entertainment writing on Lonstein Movies.
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Just finished reading the article, and again, I'm intrigued to read even more of your writings. This not only makes you stop what you're doing at the moment, it's engages you so deep that you find yourself wanting to hear more and more because it's a reflection of what life really is in that moment.
ReplyDeleteNot everyone has the gift you possess in the skill of writing, Vincent. However, my take away from reading your articles is I'm better informed, educated and enriched with the compassion you have for writing and how important it is for us to stop and reflect on what's really happening all around us. That is the "truth"! The "consequence" is... I know now, what I didn't before I read your article, which means I've gained knowledge that I choose to pay forward... a "great" consequence!
Thanks for a great read, once again Brotherman!
Just finished reading the article, and again, I'm intrigued to read even more of your writings. This not only makes you stop what you're doing at the moment, it's engages you so deep that you find yourself wanting to hear more and more because it's a reflection of what life really is in that moment.
ReplyDeleteNot everyone has the gift you possess in the skill of writing, Vincent. However, my take away from reading your articles is I'm better informed, educated and enriched with the compassion you have for writing and how important it is for us to stop and reflect on what's really happening all around us. That is the "truth"! The "consequence" is... I know now, what I didn't before I read your article, which means I've gained knowledge that I choose to pay forward... a "great" consequence!
Thanks for a great read, once again Brotherman!