Monday, January 13, 2025

Black Professor Gives Away 1,000 Books, Anti-Hair Bullying Campaign

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 Dr. Linda J.M. Holloway is no stranger to attacking issues head-on. When she discovered 1 out of 3 children were not able to read on their grade level, she knew she needed to do something. Even more so, was the epidemic of young Black children being bullied about their hair. Many of these children were ridiculed so badly that they no longer wanted to go to school. There were administrators expelling children from school for the way they wore their hair. Thus Dr. Holloway found it extremely disturbing that children were experiencing pain around their hair and became even more distraught when realizing that children’s literacy rate was low.

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Article on Dr. Linda J.m. Continues Below...

This inspired Dr. Holloway 3 years ago to launch a 1,000 free book giveaway campaign for children in underrepresented, marginalized, and oppressed communities. She started locally in the state where she resided. To date, she has been successful in distributing over 2,500 free books. She chose to give away her first book, I Love My Happy Hair, to raise awareness around hair bullying, to have an Anti-Hair Bullying Campaign, and to fight against childhood literacy rates. Dr. Holloway wanted each child she encountered to have a free copy of her book because many of the children did not own an actual physical book.

About the Book:

This book is about a little girl named Little Miss Linda who does not like her hair. However, her mother teaches her to appreciate and celebrate her hair. Once Little Miss Linda learns to like her own hair, she goes on a mission to teach other children to celebrate and appreciate their hair and not tease others about their hair. She does this through a song she created called the Happy Hair Song and an Anti-Hair Bully pledge for children to sign.

You can also see the work she has done over the years on her YouTube channel:

Dr. Holloway’s 1,000 free book giveaway campaign has been extremely successful in that she not only was able to distribute books on a local level, but her books have reached South Africa by helping school educators build a library for children so they no longer walk several miles just to access a library.

Dr. Holloway says she is super proud to have had the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of so many children. As she moves forward, she desires to continue using her books to educate, elevate, and empower students. She looks forward to the organization investing in all 8 of her award-winning children’s books which can be purchased on Amazon.

About the Professor

Dr. Linda J.M. Holloway is a Counselor Educator at Alabama State University and has been in academia for over 30 years. Dr. Holloway is also a story activist and multi-award-winning children’s book author. She enjoys using storytelling to educate, elevate, and empower children to believe in themselves and love who they are.

Dr. Holloway has been featured in multiple media outlets, popular podcasts, and magazines including The Roland Martin Show, The Grio with Eboni K. Williams, Living Strong: The Flip Side of Adversity, Zoom into Books, Story MonsterResilience Magazine, Dopeliven TV, and KISH Magazine.

She has also been the recipient of several awards including the Dr. Mary Smith Arnold Anti-Oppression Award, Women Who Impact Alabama, Wilbur A. Tincher Award for Humanitarian and Caring People, and Sisters with Superpowers Award.

She lives by her own motto Dream Your Own Dreams. She also encourages and inspires others to live out their own dreams for their life.

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Posted by community events coordinator, Nzinga Lonstein Austin, is a prolific blogger who writes on the entertainment industry and issues for people with developmental and physical challenges.

She is presently in high school looking to have a career in video, film, and media. You can see more of her entertainment writing on Lonstein Movies.

About the Black News Scoop - covers national and global news focused on reporting positive, insightful, and empowering news for the international Black Community.

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