Saturday, May 25, 2024

Black Kids Playing Chess, Two Training Events in Atlanta

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 Orrin “Checkmate” Hudson, Founder of Be Someone, is the first person to have taught 100,000 Black and Brown kids to play chess. To further his mission, this summer, he is planning two upcoming training events in the Atlanta area to teach even more young people of color.

Here are the details about both events:

• May 23-27, 2024 from 6pm to 8pm: Hudson is hosting a free event and bringing his life-sized chess board to the downtown Atlanta Hilton Hotel. Instead of celebrating his birthday during the Memorial Day weekend, he plans to empower young people by teaching them through the game of chess how to make strategic moves. Beginners, those who have always wanted to learn to play chess and experienced players are invited to drop in. There will be prizes and giveaways at this fun event.

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• June 3 – August 2, 2024 from 10am to 2pm: Hudson will conduct his Summer Strategic Leadership Chess Camp. The camp, open to ages 7 and up, is designed to teach strategic thinking, leadership skills, and the importance of making positive moves in life. Parents may choose one -week or multiple weeks for their child to attend. The cost is $250 per week and includes food, T-shirt and prizes. The camp will be held at the Be Someone Training Center, 949 Stephenson Road, Stone Mountain, Georgia 30087.

How to register for these events:
Parents who are interested in registering their children should send an or call 770-465-6445. (For parents who have multiple children or those who would like to register for multiple weeks, please ask about special pricing.)

About the Founder

Orrin “Checkmate” Hudson has been featured nationally on Good Morning America, CNN, FOX & Friends, and CBS Early Morning. His story has also been highlighted in print media lincluding uding USA Today, People Magazine, and Sports Illustrated. The FBI and President George H.W. Bush have honored him for his contributions to society.

As a 14-year-old kid growing up in Birmingham, Alabama, Hudson found himself teetering on the edge of a dangerous path. He was surrounded by the lure of gang life and the temptation of making quick, bad, decisions. Until he met a white teacher who helped him change the trajectory of his life.

James Edge, an English teacher with a passion for chess, saw potential in Hudson. One day, he approached Hudson and invited him to play a game of chess. Skeptical at first, Hudson reluctantly agreed. But as the pieces moved across the board, Hudson discovered not just a game, but a powerful metaphor for life. Edge taught him that every move mattered, and that strategy and patience were crucial both in chess and in life. Inspired by Edge, Orrin turned his life around. He excelled in school, joined the Air Force, and later, became a state trooper and a two-time World Open speed chess champion.

Today, he is the founder of Be Someone Inc., a non-profit organization in DeKalb County, Georgia, dedicated to helping youths make better life decisions through the game of chess. Hudson has trained over 100,000 young people through the game of chess since 2000.

For press inquiries or media interviews, contact or 770-465-6445.

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Posted by community events coordinator, Nzinga Lonstein Austin, is a prolific blogger who writes on the entertainment industry and issues for people with developmental and physical challenges.

She is presently in high school looking to have a career in video, film, and media. You can see more of her entertainment writing on Lonstein Movies.

About the Black News Scoop - covers national and global news focused on reporting positive, insightful, and empowering news for the international Black Community.

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