Friday, January 26, 2024

Checkout The Groundbreaking Documentary on Black Women’s Health, “Sistahs Getting Well”

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In 2010, the life of Jacqueline Glass took an unexpected turn. During a routine doctor’s visit, she was diagnosed with diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and hypothyroidism. She was prescribed a cocktail of five different medicines and faced with the task of reducing the effects that could possibly lead to chronic disease.

Over the course of three months, the Executive Producer and Founder of At The Well Conferences Inc. would change the trajectory of her health by switching to a plant-based lifestyle and prioritizing movement and workouts in her daily routine. Her follow-up, just three months later, would reveal that all her numbers reverted to within the normal range expected for optimal health.

The truth is stark; our sisters, mothers, and friends face a silent epidemic. Heart disease, the leading cause of death among women in the U.S., casts a long, dark shadow over our communities. Fifty percent of black women wrestle with various forms of heart disease. They have a 60% higher risk of diabetes diagnosis than their white counterparts. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths among black women.

Article On Jacqueline Glass And Sistahs Getting Well Event Continues After Sponsor's Messages Below...

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Article on
Jacqueline Glass and
Sistahs Getting Well
Continues Below...
Checkout this Video On
One Of Jacqueline Glass'
Earlier Retreats

Get ready to embark on an inspiring health journey with our ground-breaking documentary, Sistahs Getting Well: Inspiring Change. This compelling documentary unveils the remarkable stories of two resilient black women who have conquered and reversed the debilitating effects of diagnosed chronic diseases.

Jacqueline paid it forward by coaching Micelle Salters who weighed 332 pounds, diagnosed with lupus, uveitis, and high blood pressure. Her diabetes was diagnosed in May of 2022.

Inspired by the story of Jacqueline, Michelle lost 30 pounds after switching to a plant-based lifestyle and lowered her A1c to a 6.0 prediabetic status. Her blood pressure is stable, and she shows no signs of symptoms from her lupus or uveitis.

As you dive into the powerful narratives of these extraordinary women, you’ll witness their incredible transformations. Sistahs Getting Well will take you on a captivating journey through their trials, tribulations, and ultimately, their triumphs over health challenges that once seemed insurmountable.

This documentary will subtly guide you through the incredible changes they’ve undergone, leaving you inspired and motivated to take control of your own health. Prepare to be moved, enlightened, and empowered as we unveil the secrets to their success.

Featuring interviews with esteemed practitioners such as Dr. Neal Bernard, Founding President of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Cardiologist Dr. Kim Williams, and Psychologist Dr. Alduan Tartt, along with family medical physician Dr. Barbara Joy Jones Parks and Nurse Practitioner Jacqueline Burke, we examine the social determinants of health and their impact on unhealthy emotional eating patterns and the onset of chronic illnesses. Sistahs Getting Well reshapes the mindset of black women, empowering them to take charge of their health, regardless of their socioeconomic status.

This film fosters a deep connection between women and their bodies, emphasizing the truth that feeling amazing inside and out is within their grasp.

Sistahs Getting Well will premiere this February at the Pan African Film Festival located in Baldwin Hills, California. Before viewing the film via a major network or streaming service, we will embark upon a nationwide tour in March 2023 to debut the film and have a panel discussion with our experts. A food tasting will be included, along with an invitation to join a community where we will get healthy together.

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While there are brilliant persons on the Autism Spectrum celebrated today, very little media stories focus on people, especially women of color. Our co-publisher's new bio-pic "nZinga's Spectrum In 3D," is a moving and inspirational documentary on how a young Black woman RISES to overcome her challenges.

nZinga Austin is also the Co-publisher of Our Black News Scoop and Southeast Queens Scoop.  The documentary of about 1/2 hr long is getting rave reviews.

Checkout Nzinga's Spectrum in 3D now Click Here. Please share

Posted by community events coordinator, Nzinga Lonstein Austin, is a prolific blogger who writes on the entertainment industry and issues for people with developmental and physical challenges.

She is presently in high school looking to have a career in video, film, and media. You can see more of her entertainment writing on Lonstein Movies.

About the Black News Scoop - covers national and global news focused on reporting positive, insightful, and empowering news for the international Black Community.

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