Thursday, September 21, 2023

Get The Scoop On Natasha Heschélle's UPcoming “ZAHARA” TV Series

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Natasha Heschélle
“ZAHARA” TV Series

Toronto, On - Natasha Heschélle is an actress, writer, dancer and producer.  Born and raised in Zimbabwe, Heschélle moved to Canada in 2014 to pursue her acting career. From a very young age, Heschélle’s talent was obvious, with appearances in film, TV and commercials.

Acting came easy for the talented actor who loved the art of playing different roles and finding a way to bring something new to the table with each role.  Heschélle is constantly pushing herself to elevate her craft with each role.

The actor lives to entertain and perform, putting her heart and soul into each music and film project she takes on. The success of Heschélle’s artistic work results from a combination of experiences, training, passion and with the support of a strong home base.

Heschélle’s new project is the TV series, “Zahara.”  A sexy, action packed & funny story about an intense and passionate tragic love of the two central characters whose relationship threatens world destruction.

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Natasha Heschélle's UPcoming
“ZAHARA” TV Series
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The series stars Heschélle.  “Zahara” is currently in pre-production and is set to release September 2024.  Heschélle is in talks with several streaming platforms.

Zahara” is produced by the actor’s company, Heschélle Entertainment.  Committed to the direction of her craft, Heschélle is careful with her choices. “Its important to be heard.”

The Canadian filmmaker’s objective is to create projects for actors that look like her, roles that are respectful and purposeful.  The artist brings this philosophy to every project she attaches too.

élle’s TV & Film work has earned the popular artist a large following and industry respect.  Her serious dedication to her craft is always visible.

The rapidly evolving 
Heschélle believes that through knowledge you grow.  “Zahara” is the next step in that evolution.

“For me, being a worthy member of the movie industry is earned by hard work and staying true to yourself.  It’s a responsibility.” Natasha Heschélle


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While there are brilliant persons on the Autism Spectrum celebrated today, very little media stories focus on people, especially women of color. Our co-publisher's new bio-pic "nZinga's Spectrum In 3D," is a moving and inspirational documentary on how a young Black woman RISES to overcome her challenges.

nZinga Austin is also the Co-publisher of Our Black News Scoop and Southeast Queens Scoop.  The documentary of about 1/2 hr long is getting rave reviews.

Checkout Nzinga's Spectrum in 3D now Click Here. Please share

Posted by community events coordinator, Nzinga Lonstein Austin, is a prolific blogger who writes on the entertainment industry and issues for people with developmental and physical challenges.

She is presently in high school looking to have a career in video, film, and media. You can see more of her entertainment writing on Lonstein Movies.

About the Black News Scoop - covers national and global news focused on reporting positive, insightful, and empowering news for the international Black Community.

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