See Why ECSU HBCU Wellness Educator Continues to Caution Americans About Obesity and Declining Health Since 2019: The Deadly Obesity Epidemic. Readers You Decide!
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Obesity's Detrimental
Lifestyle in America 2022 is Worse than Covid-19. Many More Lives
are Drastically Affected Today. "The Cold Hard
Facts About Obesity in America."
Beth Perry, Research Specialist, Rheumatology, Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) 2022
By HBCU ECSU Gheechee Gummee Author, Dr. Charles L. Singleton
Beth Perry reports that being overweight or obese could very well influence the development of Scleroderma: systemic sclerosis (SS), a connective tissue disease generated by fibrosis (enlargement and scarring) of connective tissue of the skin in humans. This group of scattered diseases (SS) is quite problematic; especially for the skin, blood vessels, and internal organs (lungs, kidneys, and the digestive track). MUSC is a top-ranked biomedical institution.
The Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) biotechnology and molecular research team works hard every day to understand the smallest properties of living cells in order to discover better ways of treating various diseases. The solving of difficult medical problems at the molecular level will greatly improve health, wellness, and longevity. Their outstanding work was presented at the American Physiological Society Conference, San Diego, California in April 2006. ---The Family Journal, USA & Overseas, Volume 1, Issue 24, 2006
Beth, a biotechnical and molecular researcher, is a member of Dorchester County, South Carolina's Flood Singleton family, "6 generations, 7 family members," who worked for the Westvaco/MeadWestvaco Corporation in various phases of paper production (West Virginia and South Carolina). Family members were as follows: brother, Keith Marcus Singleton (1972-2010), a computer science, University of South Carolina graduate: Intern, GIS Field, West Virginia. Her brother, *Alex Albert Singleton, a three-time hall of famer; father, Clement Albert Singleton, Jr. (1941-2019), granduncle, Malachi Perry, worked 37 years (1957 and retired 1994), granduncle, Thaddeus "Son" “Cat Man” Flood, Sr. (1917–1956), and great-grandfather, James "Jim" Singleton (1884-1954).
And yes, Clementine "Beth" Singleton worked as a research lab technician at Westvaco Forest Lab (2001-2002) and ArborGen Reforestation in 2002-2003. Beth also worked in Biotechnology and Molecular Research, Westvaco Corporation and MUSC (2004-2009; 2011-2014), and now in 2022.
MUSC's15th Annual Department of Medicine Research Symposium to be held on Friday, April 29, 2022. This virtual conference meeting will include timely discussions about medical and clinical researchers' most recent discoveries and findings. --- MUSC Newsletter, Dept. of Medicine Chairman's Office
*Alex Singleton, Movie Film, Meet the Paper Makers (2020), Fiber Specialist at International Paper Company at Cellulose Fibers Mill, Port Wentworth, Georgia: Georgia Forestry Hall of Fame (2022), The Family Journal, USA & Overseas Fishermen's Hall of Fame (2020) and The Family Journal, USA & Overseas Sarah McLean Literary Hall of Fame (2022), Rome, Georgia.
Beth Perry is a recent inductee of The Family Journal, USA & Overseas Sarah McLean Literary Hall of Fame (2022) and The Family Journal, USA & Overseas Fishermen's Hall of Fame (2022), "Red Road," Summerville, South Carolina. In this article, you will learn some amazing facts about the deadly impact of obesity at any age.
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Atlanta VA Medical Center for Visual & Neurocognitive Rehabilitation (CVNR) does clinical-cognitive research to support and improve U.S. military veterans’ healthy aging for a lifetime.
Readers, three years ago, I wrote and published a series of annotated notes and articles on various online blogs and community websites concerning the psychological declines and failing health of overweight and obese Americans. During numerous interviews and various conversations that I have had with a number of military veterans and civilians, many recognized the increasing health problems and shorten life expectancies possibly caused by being overweight. Please take a moment to review what I wrote in 2019. Click and read here. Why I, as an HBCU Wellness Educator, Caution Americans About Their Obesity and Declining Health (
Now we are struggling with An Airborne Illness Possibility, Aerodynamically Fashioned "With Persistent Mutative" Transmittable Omnipresence (AAIPADFWPMTOP).
Furthermore, as it seems, the Coronavirus 2019-nCoV and its variants are continuing on the destructive path of earthly invisibility, overwhelming sickness, and death; especially for the unvaccinated individuals living among us. Therefore, Living To Die, You Decide: COVID-19 Delta Variant, and Continuous Viral Mutations: This Pandemic’s "Unvaccinated" Unseen Enemies (Geoffrey Skelley, Pollapalooza Weekly Polling Roundup, July 30, 2021, Global Black News, Scoop Publications, Friday, August 13, 2021). The Omicron variant, South Africa, November 24, 2021, is described as a contagious variation of SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, and some 70 times faster than the Delta variant: World Health Organization (WHO).
Meanwhile, and according to the recent Worldometer coronavirus statistics, the increasing number of our fellow Americans, who have suffered painfully and died from COVID-19 (January 2020 – February 2022), are as follows: United States, February 28, 2022: Confirmed Coronavirus Cases: 80,567,757, Deaths: 973,119, Recovered: 53,192,990.
Obesity in America 2022 is More Deadly Than Covid-19: The health problems while Covid-19 continues its persistent mutative and transmittable omnipresence of illnesses and deaths include “chemicals found in plastic may lead to weight gain.” Verbatim as written, James Kingsland stated and concluded the following: Chemicals in plastic household items, such as soda and water bottles, yogurt pots, and freezer bags, may be contributing to the global epidemic of obesity, a new study suggests. The chemicals may alter human metabolism by promoting the growth of fat cells or adipocytes (special fat storing cells in the human body connective tissues).
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of people with obesity has nearly tripled globally since 1975. The WHO estimates that in 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults were overweight. Of these individuals, more than 650 million had obesity. Having excess body weight increases a person’s risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, non-alcohol-related fatty liver disease, stroke, and certain types of cancer (James Kingsland, Medical News Today, and fact checked by Hannah Flynn on February 1, 2022).
Obesity Is A Disease, Not A Decision: “The traditional view that obesity is solely a result of someone’s individual choices is incomplete and can contribute to stigma, shame and ineffective strategies for losing weight. It puts too much emphasis on subjective factors and simplistic cliches without considering the numerous factors that can influence weight: individual metabolic rates, inability to maintain a daily healthy diet, willpower (controlling portion size), environmental factors, stress, and psychological well-being.” --- Coach Megan G., Found, December 24, 2021, Modified on January 31, 2022
Some Urban Neighborhoods in America Are Food Deserts, Not Food Oases, Something To Think About: In an urban food desert it is somewhat difficult to find and purchase affordable high-quality-nutritious fresh foods. Yes, the food oasis community has better and consistent access to healthier foods. Statistically speaking, “The U. S. Department of Agriculture estimates that 23 million people, including more than 6 million children, live in food deserts that are more than a mile from a supermarket. Of these, 11 million live in households with incomes at or below 200 percent of the poverty line. And more than 2 million people live in low-income rural areas that are more than 10 miles from a supermarket.” ---- Statistical Credit, Bob Curley, Healthline, Health News, September 24, 2018, How to Combat ‘Food Deserts’ and ‘Food Swamps.'
At Risk and Pre-existing Individual Health Concerns: Since 2019, interestingly, most American doctors and health clinicians are failing many of their chronically overweight and obese patients. Analyst, Christopher Cheney wrote the following: “More than 40% of the U.S. population has one or more chronic health conditions. Recent research indicates overweight and obese adults are not receiving adequate lifestyle advice. Clinicians need more time during office visits to dispense lifestyle advice. For patients with no chronic conditions, only 20% of overweight patients and only 40% of obese patients receive lifestyle advice from clinicians.” --- Health Leaders Media, May 16, 2019
Nutrition and Food Safety (NFS) and COVID-19: A Joint statement by the International Labour Organization (ILO), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) and the World Health Organization (WHO), October 13, 2020. Media contact: Kimberly Chriscaden, Communications Officer, Western Pacific Region, World Health Organization.
**Morticians Dilemmas: Morbidity and Mortality Associated with Obesity I Dying Fat is Really Your Funeral and Burial Option: “Obesity and its repercussions constitute an important source of morbidity; impaired quality of life and its complications can have a major bearing on life expectancy. The stark facts on the complications of obesity should be capitalized on to improve patient management and knowledge and referred to in the wider dissemination of public health messages aimed at improving primary prevention.” --- The National Library of Medicine, Pub Med. "Allison et al. estimated that 280,184 obesity-attributable deaths occurred in the U.S. annually." ---Public Domain
Health Risks of Overweight and Obesity: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Diabetes Statistics Report, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Type 2 diabetes (blood glucose: high blood sugar)
High blood pressure
Heart disease
Sleep apnea
Metabolic syndrome
Fatty liver diseases
Gallbladder diseases
Some cancers
Pregnancy problems
Adipocyte: adipose tissue, obesity- related inflammation: Adipocytes are cells that store fat under the skin and found also in connective tissues of the human body for producing and generating energy.
Watch The Bigger Picture: Death Recipe. "The Bigger Picture aims to inspire young people to join the conversation about Type 2 diabetes and work to change the systems that lead to its spread." See Below...
**Morticians Dilemmas: Dying Fat is Really Your Funeral and Burial Option. "Fast food choices are in schools' breakfast and lunch programs and listed on various workplace menus."
Please Remember, some people will never tell you to Stop Overeating: morticians, funeral directors, embalmers, casket manufacturers, florists and flower delivery services; hearse and limousine drivers, gravediggers, caterers (repass and repast), celebrants, age-declining insurance: long term health care insurance companies, supplemental and intensive care insurance companies; corporate processing companies: domestic foods/poultry, beverages, tobacco, food advertisements, pharmaceuticals, water, plastics; grief counselors, and etceteras. Sadly, shamefully and regrettably, corporate conglomerated, multi-industrial and multinational companies will absolutely not tell you how to eat healthy or how to live obesity free while staying here. --- Sally Jacobs Harmon
Kevin Samuels Explains the Devastating Overweight Problem in America
Kevin Samuels Explains The Overweight Problem - Checkout the video below...
After carefully reading this article, you decide the pathway to better living and enjoying your destiny.
“Wellness: I strongly recommend five personal tips for maintaining weight control and good health.”
Eat smaller portions, including an apple a day; along with foods containing lots of fiber or supplement your diet by using Metamucil Psyllium in order to reduce cholesterol.
Increase your daily activity: exercise, walk, housework, yard work, acts of kindness; help others.
Drink plenty of water and reduce carbohydrates, salt, sugar, and processed foods in your diet.
Take an annual health examination and a biochemical profile.
Know and reduce your health risks factors by planting a garden and eating an earthly harvest.
Previously written and published, Wednesday, April 17, 2019. In the words of my beloved and departed father, 88 years old, the late Clement A. Singleton, Sr. said, “Live so long that you outlive your doctors and enemies.” The late, Robert Fletcher, 94 years of age: a resident of Chicago, once said, “Don’t eat what you watch but watch what you eat.” English proverb says, "Do not dig your grave with your own knife and fork."
"Discipline Determines Destiny." --- Jerome Chavis, The Practice Principle
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Additional Research Credits: Google Grammarian (GG), Microsoft Bing Search, YouTube, Tiffani F. Davis, legal adviser: Scoop Publications, and The Family Journal, USA & Overseas Intellectual Properties.
Now Do Your Homework and Remember Reduce or Eliminate Genetically and Chemically Modified Foods from Your Diet. Today, unfortunately, and neglectfully, some medical doctors and pharmaceutical companies are more interested in treating the symptoms of obesity, instead of the plethora of illnesses caused by being overweight. “You Are What You Eat from Your Head to Your Feet.” --- Pajama Sam 3, Night Dive Studios Trailer, 2000. Yes, 72% of Americans are Overweight. "Dying Fat is Really Your Funeral and Burial Option." See the video below...
Most Obese & Least Obese States 2022: Mississippi (40.80%). Least Obese State Colorado (23.80%)
World Population Review’s 10 states with the highest rates of obesity
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BE Inspired and UPlifted
Author and U.S. Army chaplain James Darren Key highlights 40 lessons and stories about race, love, honor, and faith to inspire people during changing times in his new memoir A Long Way from Crenshaw: Lessons and Stories about Race, Love, Honor, and Faith for These Changing Times (published by WestBow Press).
With the purpose of being accessible to all, the author writes in a conversational style. Exploring how life can change, and not always positively, he demonstrates how the human spirit can overcome those circumstances.
Additionally, Key speaks candidly about growing up Black in California in the 1970s and 1980s. Wanting to empower others, the author examines his own weaknesses and fears.
Through this study, he hopes to help people:
• recognize failures and successes along their journey; • approach race and diversity with sensitivity and courage; • heal from an unhealthy relationship before starting a new one; • face trials and controversy with unshakable faith.
Posted by community events coordinator, Nzinga Lonstein Austin, is a prolific blogger who writes on the entertainment industry and issues for people with developmental and physical challenges.
She is presently in high school looking to have a career in video, film, and media. You can see more of her entertainment writing on Lonstein Movies.
About the Black News Scoop - covers national and global news focused on reporting positive, insightful, and empowering news for the international Black Community.
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