Nationwide From President Joe Biden’s Administration platform to organizations such as B Corporation to global enterprises; many have focused their attention on Clean Energy. Studies have already proven that urban areas account for more than 70% of CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels.
The key to stopping or slowing global warming may lie with cities—particularly large and wealthy ones. That was the major finding of an effort to map the carbon footprint of 13,000 cities—one of the first times researchers analyzed so many areas with a consistent methodology.
“A number of large and or affluent cities drive a significant share of national total emissions,” said an environmental economist at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
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Being dark-skinned, the rash was much lighter than her natural complexion, and the itchy spots were flaky and dry. The rash is called Tinea Versicolor. It's caused by an overgrowth of fungus that naturally occurs on human skin, and is most prevalent in humid or tropical climates. To learn more about how she created her VanishClear Sulfur Cream to clear up spotty skin caused by Tinea Versicolor Click Here
Do you Suffer From Itchy And Embarrassing Skin Patches Or Blotches?
You May Have A Condition Known As Tinea Versicolor.
Clear Up Your Blotchy Skin With New Cream Proven To Help Get Rid Of Skin Patches Caused By Tinea Versicolor
Discover how Mizell Mais, a mother of three and entrepreneur, developed a skin creme to overcome blemishes and spots from the fugus that causes Tinea Versicolor. In her early thirties, she developed a spotty rash that covered more than 40% of her body, including her face.
Being dark-skinned, the rash was much lighter than her natural complexion, and the itchy spots were flaky and dry. The rash is called Tinea Versicolor. It's caused by an overgrowth of fungus that naturally occurs on human skin, and is most prevalent in humid or tropical climates. To learn more about how she created her VanishClear Sulfur Cream to clear up spotty skin caused by Tinea Versicolor Click Here
“Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are considered one of the main causes of Earth’s climate change. In addition, carbon contributes to respiratory disease from smog and air pollution. Extreme weather, food supply disruptions, and increased wildfires are other effects of climate change caused by greenhouse gases. People who suffer from asthma, such as myself, CO2 creates major challenges to breathing,” says Christopher Thomas, Chairman of VirtMe Technology.
“VirtMe Technology was initially created to be a solution to the growing challenges of meetings coming to a halt, social connectivity and engagement due to social distancing to slow the spread of the global pandemic. However, with continuous research, development, and creative design on how the platform would operate, we also discovered how the platform can also be a solution to the global clean energy challenge,” states Thomas.
Thomas adds, “VirtMe Technology had an interesting beginning. It was one of those ‘That’s a good idea for someone’ thoughts. Then it was inspired to me that this is a mission for you Christopher. I then asked ‘Why me... I’m a marketing strategist not a coder or tech guy’. At that point, I literally almost had to shake myself as I responded, ‘Why not me’. Following that, the seed was planted and we took off.”
"We are committed to providing a leading solution that improves the efficiency of meeting virtually, reduce anxiety limited to no social connectivity and do our part to help solve the clean energy crisis," said Christopher.
For more information about VirtMe Technology, visit
For press inquiries, contact LaToria Lightner at or 678-827-1602.
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